
Read Most Frequent Questions

What if i you don’t provide me with any prospects?
What is a Verified lead?
How does The Realty Networks generate leads?
We use a variety of channels to generate leads, including search engine optimization, website ads, bloggers, home sellers, and social media advertisements. We also have a team of ISAs who call home sellers to ask them qualifying questions.
How many agents get the same lead?
We do not share the same lead with multiple agents. This means that you will be the only agent working with each lead.
How soon can I expect my first The Realty Networks?
We typically begin sending leads to our agents within 7-14 days of signing up. However, we may need more time to create your profile, share your servicing radius with our team, and verify your license number. We are confident that we can help you achieve your real estate goals.
Why does The Realty Networks charge a membership fee?
Initially, we offered our services without any charges. However, we encountered a situation where some realtors began to misuse our services. They failed to proactively contact home sellers and neglected our attempts to communicate via calls, texts, and emails. Consequently, we introduced this initial setup fee to ensure that, even if not through leads, realtors could recoup their investment through successful closings. With The Realty Networks, there are no recurring monthly, annual, per-lead, renewal, or concealed fees unless you generate closings to generate revenue for both yourself and us.
How do I receive the leads after I sign up?
There are two ways you will get the leads, First of all, Live call transfer, if a prospect is willing to sell his property in 20-30 days. Only then we will do live call transfer. So, it's once in a blue moon scenario. Most of the times you will get the leads through your email, where you will get all the information along with the recorded conversation of that particular prospect.
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